New Zealand is home to over 1000 different types of seaweed - in Wellington's waters alone there are believed to be over 900 different types.
Thousands attend New Zealand's first 'ocean-grown' festival
Seaweed Fest 2025 featured on RadioActive.FM’s amplifier show with Don Lechito!
Aotearoa-New Zealand’s first ever Seaweed Festival is coming to Wellington and you're invited!
Catchment group mahi is an intergenerational kaupapa. Upper Mangatarere Community Catchment Group are connecting with local tauira
Check out how some of these awesome catchment communities are making a difference in the Wairarapa!
Te Awarua-o-Porirua's citizen scientists celebrate a years worth of monitoring and start to look at what to do next to continue caring for our waterways
These awesome tamariki teamed up with us to learn about their local awa and take action!
Ruamāhanga Farm Foundation connecting tamariki to our wai!
Pinehaven community venture into their local awa for some fresh new learnings on our fishy friends and our not so friendly pests!
St. Theresa's engaging with nature from the mountains to the sea!
Kahotea Stream the home of so many fishy friends 🐟
Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR)'s 23rd Annual Poor Knights Competition
Pāuatahanui community comes together to find out what fish live in their streams!
Kaitiaki group taking on the Upper Waipoua River!
Look what we discovered around Wellington!
The Wainuioru Community River Care Group and their quest to restore the Wainuioru River
The committed catchment groups in the Wairarapa have banded together to form the brand new Wairarapa Catchment Collective!
Kids Enhancing Tawa Ecosystems and Willowbank Reserve Care Group take on the Takapu Stream!
The Mountains to Sea Wellington community dove into an ocean of excitement during their snorkel season, making a splash!
Uncovering what lurks in the shadows of the Taueru River and sparking some bright ideas for conservation!
Whareama Stream walk, a day of exploring, connecting and fishy fun in the Wairarapa!
Breaker Bay loves its seaweed!
The journey of the piharau in the Belmont Stream, an exciting new discovery for Pareraho Forest Trust.
Step into nature's playground at the Wairarapa wetlands!
These resources are designed for people who are carrying out restoration or monitoring of their local streams and rivers.
The Mountains to Sea Wellington Team headed to Tunnel Gully in Upper Hutt for a Health and Safety Field Practical for Fresh Water with our new team!
The Love Rimurimu Team was featured at the sold-out Wellington Premiere of the much-anticipated film ‘Climate Commons’ doco on Tuesday 22nd of August.
‘Wai Connection – Tatai Ki Te Wai’ is our catchment community engagement project focused on building capability and capacity to improve our region's waterways.
Proceedings, presentations, and recordings from the Wānanga Waimāori 2023
Never before seen snails, a case of missing fish and community groups involved in it all. Read all about Liz's work with freshwater community groups.
There's no such thing as too early for learning about biodiversity, as freshwater coordinator Kara Kenny learned working with Carterton Kindy.
When Ngāti Toa School teacher Pearl Freemantle told her students there were seahorses living in the sea near Porirua, they didn’t believe her.
The students and teachers of Te Kura Hato Petera Kaniera are on a journey to improve the health of the Mangapōuri Stream.
Students and teachers of Te Kura Hato Petera Kaniera are on a journey to improve the health of the Mangapōuri Stream and they want the community to join them.
Imagine the blue belt of Wellington sustaining a healthy and vibrant ocean forest.
Three Upper Hutt schools brought together for the health of the Māwai Hakona stream.
Wairarapa locals are curious about exactly what's going on in our freshwater streams.
There's a massive web of streams beneath our feet, out of sight, but full of life and opportunity.
A research project looking at the marine ecosystem's resilience to climate-change has secured funding for its second year.
Under the waves whipped up around the capital's coasts, and inside the harbour itself, seaweed is a habitat for marine life, a filtration system, and a natural carbon sequesterer.
The mysteries of the Wairarapa would take a lifetime to discover because the land tells stories of past, present and signal warnings of the future.
Mountains to Sea Wellington is hosting two free community snorkel excursions into the Taputeranga Marine Reserve at Princess Bay, on this Saturday and next.
Students from Taita College have been hard at work restoring a wetland that sits on public land behind the kura.
Our team worked with three Porirua schools to build their freshwater knowledge and build connections to local restoration projects.
A freshwater monitoring workshop held by Mountains to Sea Wellington held over the hill in Featherston was the start of something great.
Te Awa Iti, meaning 'little stream' in te reo Māori, is a freshwater restoration project created by the Ngake class from Natone Park School in Bothamley Park.
Wellington East Girls College Year 13 Biology students are scientists making big discoveries and building big action plans!
Students from St Teresa’s School in Featherston have learnt to monitor the health of a local stream and developed a plan to protect and enhance it.
Students at Brandon Intermediate have been handing a local awa restoration project down to the next set of students for years now, and it's seen more than 15 me
For the last three years, the Mountains To Sea Wellington team have been delivering the Whitebait Connection Project, which connects communities to rivers, stre