Our Wai Connection team, along with greater Wellington regional council catchment staff, have been supporting the establishment of the Wairarapa Catchment Collective (WCC), the newly formed network of landowner/ farmer-led catchment groups across the Wairarapa. This strategic partnership means member groups can drive decision making about local catchment care and ensures we can plan together, apply resourcing where it is most needed, and have smooth and efficient communication pathways between support agencies and catchment groups.
We are excited by the news that the Ministry for Primary Industries has awarded the Wairarapa Catchment Collective with a total of $981,880 over four years to continue its work. You can read about it here: https://times-age.co.nz/rural/local-catchment-collective-collars-1m/
MTSW is excited to be amongst it, helping groups to connect with their awa, monitor waterways and plan for restoration all in collaboration with our amazing partners!
To find out more about the Wairarapa Catchment Collective, subscribe to their brand new newsletter: https://subscribepage.io/LhDyK3