Connecting people
with te taiao

Mountains to Sea Wellington connects people to nature, building understanding through science and exploration, and inspiring communities to care for the environment.

Connecting people
with te taiao

Mountains to Sea Wellington connects people to nature, building understanding through science and exploration, and inspiring communities to care for the environment.

Upcoming events

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>>> Note the events seen in this slider on the website are managed by the 'Events' CMS.
>>> Note the events seen in this slider on the website are managed by the 'Events' CMS.
>>> Note the events seen in this slider on the website are managed by the 'Events' CMS.
>>> Note the events seen in this slider on the website are managed by the 'Events' CMS.
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"Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus."
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Position, Company name

Hands on learning in our communities

Our programmes are all about immersing people in their local environment, forming a greater connection to nature. We cater for school groups and community groups wanting to spend time out in nature.


Regenerating New Zealand’s underwater forests

The Love Rimurimu Project is piloting the regeneration of seaweed forests in Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui.


Giving our streams a helping hand

We’re working with catchment communities across the region to forge connections and improve the health of our freshwater ecosystems.

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